
pMakeda: win 4 loss 1
Makeda 2: win 0 loss 1
Mak3da: win 6 loss 4
Rasheth: win 1 loss 2
pMorghoul: win 3 loss 1
Mordikaar: win 10 loss 1
Hexeris 2: win 4 loss 2
P Hexeris: win 2 loss 1

Friday, December 11, 2015

Mordikaar and Legends of Hallack vs Harbinger 50 points batrep.

Battle plan.

I was looking to make angles for Essense Blast sprays by having 3 units presenting a full line and enveloping his force.I would be able to Parry or Ghostly around his forces to help position Essense Blasts into the best spots.I was running 2 units with tough and had revive as well as the Despoiler bringing Void Spirits in to play to keep me up on attrition.

For the first time I felt like I had almost as much infantry spam as he did.
Wold Warden is the Despoiler
Argus is the Krea
Magiser, Narn, Skyreth Issyen are the Legends of Hallack

I ran forward but not completely, to position myself out of his alpha, I wanted to feat on the second turn not the first

This was a mistake however as he mostly just advanced into charge range and feated with Harbinger which meant that I didn't advance for a turn. He got some kills in with Nicea which gave Mordikaar some souls. Some Bastions charged a couple of NIhilators and this fed souls to the soulward.

Mostly out of frustration I charge the Gladiator into a pair of Bastions. The cyclops Shaman and the Extoller also shoot into them putting up some damage. The rest of my army does not advance. Mordikaar Revives a couple of Nihilators into combat with his central character vanguard and I feat defensively.

Having lost the initiative however it was easy for Harbinger to step up and start dominating her zone while I had Bastions and Knights jammed into me.

Menoth 1 Scenario point

Fortunately one group of Bastions was tied up with the Despoiler who put some serious hurt on them and made a Void Spirit. I placed the Void Spirit into the melee range of one of his Bastions. In order to free it up I kept attacking the Bastion 4 or 5 more times, he kept using martyrdom to keep it in play. 

At this stage Harbinger was left on about 8 boxes and a long turn attrition play turned into an assassination attempt. 

The Nihilators went and cleared up some space.
The Shaman aimed and shot, but his Devout shield guarded it, so then the Extoller followed up and shot but Harbinger is a pathetic girly str4 so the 3d6 damage roll didn't break her armor.

I was still looking at 2 Essence Blasts from the forward Nihilators but Mordikaar went first and fired his Death Blast. It got her square and killed her outright.

Win on assassination.

If the assassination avenue was not open I was looking at trying to spray down both of his units of Errants and work my way up on attrition with the Despoiler.

If I could have played the Despoiler further forward the Harbinger may no have been able to nullify my feat with Hand of God or Guided Hand, whatever it is.

The Legends had their first half decent game, putting a lot of damage down on a  unit of Bastions that were being effected by the Despoilers Dark Shroud and were able to Side Step into the zone to re contest.

The irony is taking the list to 50 points means I got to include the shooting units which ended up sealing the game for me.

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